View balances, transactions, make deposits, transfer funds, pay bills and more!
Fusion eBanking Mobile is a fast, easy, and secure service for First State Bank & Trust Co. Online Banking customers. It is free to download, optimized for todays smart phones, and available 24/7 so you can easily, conveniently, and securely manage your finances - whenever you want, wherever you are.KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR MONEY-View account balances-View transaction history-View pending transactionsMOVE MONEY AND PAY BILLS-Transfer money between FSB&T accounts-Make loan payments-Pay bills-Make deposits with Fusion Mobile DepositTALK TO US-Send and receive secure messages-Access branch hour and location informationAdditional Treasury Management features are available; contact us for details. Use of the mobile app requires enrollment in Online Banking. Fusion eBanking Mobile app is free to download. Any fees for optional transactions will be identified during registration for these services. Your mobile carrier may charge access fees depending upon your individual plan. Web access is needed to use the app. Check with your carrier for specific fees and charges. Your security is our priority, which is why First State Bank & Trust Co. always employs advanced electronic encryption and firewall technology to prevent unauthorized access to your account.Enhancements and bug fixes